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Guildford Cleaners

Guildford, South East

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Vital for the success of a given domestic service is the correct and adequate pricing along with quality results of course. Keeping the cleaning services affordable and accessible to as many customers as possible is the single most important aspect, which is achieved through efficiency and professional attitude toward the job. We at Cleaners Guildford use a number of policies to ensure that prices are reflective and adequate. First of all we train our cleaners to minimize water and material waste during cleaning appointments as the sensible and moderate usage of materials will yield relatively lower service price since there is less wastage to cover for.

Guildford Cleaners
Phone: 01483 325 154
Open hours: Mon: 9am-7pm | Tue: 9am-7pm | Wed: 9am-7pm | Thu: 9am-7pm | Fri: 9am-7pm | Sat: 9am-7pm | Sun: 9am-7pm
Address: Guildford, Warren Road
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Living in a rental accommodation is never easy, sometimes your flat mates, the landlord requirements and the tenant agency can drive you mad with all their requirements, ...
added: 2014.11.18 » views: 306 » edit