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Laura Jeeves

Manchester, North West

4, votes 4

Quality service with a personal touch at Laura Jeeves we clean to a standard not a price. Free door to door collection service covering Manchester, South Manchester & Lancashire.

At Laura Jeeves we are committed to providing an exclusive, reliable, stress-free laundry, ironing and dry cleaning service to your doorstep or office. Our purpose-built, state-of-the-art facility incorporates the very latest technology backed by a highly skilled team of dedicated professionals. We understand that people are challenged for time, and hauling laundry to and from the cleaners and looking for parking can be a hassle. You will certainly benefit from the ease and convenience of our service and we’re positive that once you’ve tried it you won’t want to do laundry any other way! Laura Jeeves is dedicated to providing the highest level of quality and convenience. Our goal is to make using the Laura Jeeves service as easy as opening your front door. Our complimentary door-to-door service is just a phone call away.

Laura Jeeves
Phone: 0161 707 8732
Open hours: Monday 09:00 - 20:30 Tuesday 09:00 - 20:30 Wednesday 09:00 - 20:30 Thursday 09:00 - 20:30 Friday 09:00 - 20:30 Saturday Closed Sunday Closed
Address: Manchester, Barton Hall, Hardy Street, Manchester , M30 7NB
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loading map... Manchester, Barton Hall, Hardy Street, Manchester , M30 7NB
added: 2013.06.11 » views: 7280 » edit